Synopsis -
Take a journey into the swirling abyss of fever dreams, starry nights, and amethyst lights. Driven by lyrical prose, captivating storytelling, and pure emotion, dreamwhispers sets sail through one writer’s imagination with an unflinching stare into the condition of human beings where the shadows are sharper, and the darkness holds promises of pain.
Review -
Where to even begin? How can I adequately put into words a reading experience that will stay with me well beyond the end of this book?
Dreamwhsipers is a collection of short stories that is a lot like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates - you never know what you are going to get. From fairy tale retellings to sci-fi and twisted horror shorts that pack a punch.

The common thread that runs through the entire collection is the stunning beauty of the words, even in the tales where those words turn to the grotesque.
This might be the only collection I have read where every story hit home. Of course, some were more effective than others. "Spigot" was the shortest of the bunch, but somehow impossibly creepy. "A Real Boy," was also more than a little disturbing, but it was "A Conversation With God," that hit the hardest for me. For someone who suffers from severe bouts of depression and anxiety, this story felt a little too close to home.
Dreamwhispers is a collection that I will almost certainly go back and read again. it's a stunningly beautiful work of art that will stay with me for a long, long time. Get your copy HERE.
5 stars out of 5