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10 Questions with Vicky Peplow

Writer's picture: John WatsonJohn Watson

Let's welcome in Vicky Peplow, an author that I am very happy to count as a friend. Let's get to the Q&A...

1. HRR – Hey, Vicky. Can you start things off by telling us a little bit about yourself.

Hi, I'm Vicky Peplow, I'm 44 years old. I'm originally from a small coal mining village called Ryhope in Sunderland in the North-East of England, but for the past 10 years I'm now living in Virginia, USA. I live with the love of my life, Lorie and our dachshund Sir Milo and cat, Leo. I love sports, well watching them that is. I love soccer, football, UFC, basketball, and baseball.

2. HRR – How long have you been writing, and when did you start?

I've been writing for about five years now, so I started in 2017 but it feels like I've been doing it forever.

3. HRR – What comes first for you – the plot or the characters?

I want to say plot as I think I work a little different from other authors. I have dyslexia and I see the plot for a book in my head like a movie playing and I write what I see in my head. The characters come to life on their own as I write. Hopefully that makes sense.

4. HRR – What is the toughest part of being an indie author?

For me, I find it marketing is the toughest thing as there's only so many things you can do yourself without having a big marketing company, agent or publishing company pushing your book for you.

5. HRR – What is a genre you haven’t written in yet but would love to try?

I would love to try sci-fi or fantasy as I have quite the imagination, but it tends to always go to paranormal or history as that's my niche.

6. HRR – What has been your most difficult scene to write, and why?

Good question! I would say for The Old Coal Miner's Lamp because I was using some true stories from ex-coal miners, and these were true stories that they shared with me. The hardest part for me was having to write about them losing close friends who they lost in the mines due to accidents and negligence of the pit owners.

7. HRR – What is the best money you’ve spent in regards your writing career?

Without doubt, my editor, Samantha Talarico. She is a godsend to me. Without her, none of my books would be published. When I need to run a thought regarding a scene or an idea, she is always there to guide me in the right direction or tell me truthfully if the idea is a pile of crap.

8. HRR – How do you set the mood when preparing to write an especially emotional scene?

Complete silence is the easiest way to say it. I usually listen to music as I write as it helps me concentrate on what I'm doing. I guess it an ADHD thing with me as I can be easily distracted with things going on around me. For emotional scenes, I tend to close myself off from the outside world so that I can focus on what I'm trying to convey to the reader.

9. HRR – If you could have the career of one author in particular, who would it be and why?

To be truthful with you, I wouldn't want the career of another author. I'm happy with what I've done so far. Would I love the money of J.K Rowling of course or the success of Stephen King, sure but with success they have also comes more pressure, Nah, I'm good with my own.

10. HRR – Please let us all know where we can find you online, and tell us what you have in the works.

I can be found on all social media:

In the works at the moment, I have three books in the works which I'm hoping to have out this year. I have plenty of ideas for future books, so I have plenty to work on. One of the books is the second book in the Confessions series. The second book is another book based around the village I come from and the third I don't want to give too much away as this is still in the works, but I have the first three chapter written already. I saw something on TV that grabbed my attention so I'm taking that idea and making my own story from it.



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