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10 Questions With Dan Shrader

Writer's picture: John WatsonJohn Watson

1.       HRR – Hey, Dan. Can you start off by telling us a little bit about yourself.

I’m 34 and from French Lick, Indiana. I have a goofy Victorian bulldog (Meatball) and a fat street cat (Jagger) who are my furry sidekicks. They keep me company while I write. I’m married to my best friend and have a little girl who will be 6 months soon.  Mostly been learning how to be a dad and enjoying every minute of it.


2.       HRR – When did you first start writing, and what prompted you to do so?

I’ve always written as long as I can remember. I loved theatre in elementary school. I found a big box of videotapes that my grandmother had when I was like 12. She was obsessed with the VCR and recording things. She must have recorded hundreds of horror movies. Night of the Demons, C.H.U.D., Friday the 13th, Black Christmas, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and there were so many that I discovered and fell in love with. It truly changed my life and the fondest memories I have of my youth were discovering those films.


3.       HRR – How do you develop your plot and characters?

I have a curious mind, and over the years, as I’ve watched films and read stories, I’ve noticed that I tend to collect fragments of things I love. These fragments then come together to create a town or a world in my mind as a writer. That’s exactly how Towers Valley came into existence, and it still holds many unexplored wonders that I’m excited to find myself.


4.       HRR – Do you prefer to write short stories or longer form tales?

Short stories and Novellas are kind of my jam. I like to connect some of my shorts together with easter eggs and I think it makes them fun that way.

5.       HRR – Have you ever written a character that you would like to revisit in a future story?

Well, with how I’ve been writing and the connections to Towers Valley I have a lot of characters that have reappeared in other stories. I do like a lot of them, and even if they die in one. You might see them in another tale when they were twenty years younger. I have this habit of maiming or killing the one’s I like the most. I make the poor souls suffer.


6.       HRR – What does your daily writing schedule look like?

Right now, I work nights. But I still find time to write minimum one hour a day. Being a new father, a husband, with a full-time job and all I always no matter what make the time. It’s an obsession, a desire that keeps me happy. If I skip days I start to get depressed thinking about it. I have to unleash and create. I’m like a shark in that way, gotta keep doing it, keep moving.  


7.       HRR – Can you tell us about any books you are working on at the moment?

“SPLATOLOGY”, an anthology put together by Unveiling Nightmares. It’s going to be epic! The lineup for this book is one of a kind and I am grateful to be apart of this crazy crew: Stuart Bray, Stephen Cooper, DE McCluskey, Chisto Healy, Christy Aldridge, CA Baynam, Chuck Nasty, and Jason Nickey. And to top it off, it’s edited by the wonderful Sydney Shiv. I absolutely can’t wait for its release on March 20th!


For me, personally, another project that remains to be named and takes place around Towers Valley (with connections to other short stories I have written). It is currently undergoing its final touches from my end. Once I am finished, it will be edited by the marvelous Candace Nola once again! Working with her is truly invaluable. Her attention to detail and extensive knowledge are unmatched. In many ways, she is my mentor. This novella will have a captivating cover designed by Grimpoppy, also known as Christy Aldridge. It’s really killer!


Release: TBA


8.       HRR – How do you handle negative book reviews?

Now, I have had only a handful of reviews which have been great. So, I can’t speak on this from experience. I like to think that even if it is negative, someone took the time to go out of their way to read your book, or story, and write it. Can’t be too mad. If they point out some valid stuff—Great. If they don’t—move on. I’ve seen some negative reviews work tremendously in the author’s favor with the horror genre. So, we shall see, I’m sure there is someone out there. Can’t make everyone happy.


9.       HRR – How do you celebrate when you finish a book?

I immediately start on the next story. I have a lot of notes and unfinished projects. Some of the stuff I have coming out I worked on, then put on the back burner for a while.


10.   HRR – Finally, please tell us where we can find and follow you online.



Instagram: danshraderhorror.

Facebook: Dan Shrader Horror

TikTok: @danshraderhorror




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